A million miles from the G20

So far 5 ducklings have arrived. Three are already under the heat lamp in the shed, two are still in the incubator "drying off". The last egg looks as though it is going to hatch too, but we will wait and see. They are, as always, incredibly cute.
Today I have been working outside as the weather has been lovely. As I planted lettuce (below) and surrounded one of the vegetable plots with rabbit proof wire, I listened with interest to LBC's report on the G20 demonstrations.
The more I learn about the protesters activities, the more I think of how unfocused and pointless the whole stupid thing actually is. It seems to me that the right to show anger of Government policy is perfectly justifiable but the "riots " at the G20 seem to be a happy slappy fun day out for the great unwashed that stink of Patchouli oil and who have dogs on bits of string.
It seems to be less a rant about capitalism and more an excuse to fight the police.
I would have liked to have shouted from the top of the tallest building of the Square mile

This afternoon after planting lettuce, I cleared the vegetable patch I had fenced, and dug over the damage the rabbits had caused (below). I re planted cabbage seedlings, and broad beans, before returning to the cottage knackered and a little sore.


  1. "Get a job" thats a bit strong lol

  2. Geoffrey....you are a bleeing heart liberal

  3. Not a conservative then

  4. You are in the thick of things now aren't you. I am still waiting for the rains to melt the snow, yet still it snows. I see that it is not your avatar, but Boris, he is a lovely brute. I had a male for 7 years, he was affectionate like a cat. They will defend all with their lives, what magnificent creatures. Never have done ducks before so happy to see them. Great blog. Peace for all

  5. John, the pics of the ducklings are great. They are so adorable. About the G20 riots, there's a bumper sticker that goes somthing like this:
    Quote of The Day
    "There were thousands of people at the G20 Riots and only 5 missed work."


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