The power of cheap white bread

The weather has been wet and windy for most of the day. It has precluded me planting my seed potatoes and asparagus, which was a real shame. It was so wet, I felt it wise to stay indoors, so I did some baking and made a chocolate cake and a large flan.
At midday I noticed that George was perched on the back of the sofa gazing out on the field, having a look at what he was watching, I saw several chickens running up towards the graveyard followed by a rather excitable squealing pig! Nora had somehow escaped her pen and if she escaped further amongst the graves, then bang would go my year's lease!
Grabbing a piece of white loaf, I galloped over to the allotment to find Nora chasing off Boris and Gloria from their feed bowls. Waving the bread madly (Like Jenny Agutter in The Railway Children) I called her, and even though little piggy eyes cannot see very much they certainly recognised a slice of white from 400 feet!
She stopped dead, squinted to make sure what she was seeing was in fact food and sprinted after me at remarkable speed! (scattering hens and spit all over the place as she came) and with me jogging ahead, she chased me back into the pig enclosure where she scoffed the bread with huge rapture!
I checked the fencing and found a small broken area where she had escaped and fixed it with some spare wire.

The duck eggs in the incubator have started their pre hatch "pipping" and the kitchen once again is filled with the tiny cheeps of ducklings not yet "born". I expect them to start hatching tomorrow night!
Not much else to report today......oh Albert fell in next door's pond this evening and raced into the house soaked to the skin. He is curled up with Maddie on one of the sofas as I type this. steaming gently to himself.
The above photo is the view of the East side of the village from the Llanasa Road

1 comment:

  1. I can picture Nora galloping after you & the prize bread! Good to know you can use food as an incentive. Used to be that if I hollered "treat" Baby Rocket Dog would come running, but she isn't ruled by her tummy so much any more. Hopefully when we get back up to N.Idaho she will regain that hunger because it's hard to get her to listen if she isn't enticed by a treat.


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