Winter Saturday and Knitting

Winter days have a tendency to be over before they have really begun.And today has been no different
After his "egg fest" yesterday George has been banished to the turkey run where he has spent a merry time shadowing Boris. I am not surprised he has been somewhat constipated
This is the view from the Northern corner of the allotment and will be the situation of "pig town"I have removed more overhanging branches from the hedge this afternoon but it remains painful work as most of the undergrowth is hawthorn!

This evening were are settling down to a normal Saturday evening.....Chris knitting madly on one sofa, me and the four dogs on another (not knitting but blogging).........bad on.....yes all pretty relaxing.
Mind you you could hear the language when meladdo drops a stitch.............

1 comment:

  1. You have so much space, lots of room for more chickens! ;)

    I like the view, stone fences, the church, hen houses etc, very nice.


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