Too many cocks

Now I know I risk sounding like Charles Hawtrey but I do have too many cocks! The four "sexless" buff chicks have suddenly grown up alongside Clover and the rest of the band. In days they seem to have matured fully and shock horror......we now have three new testosterone filled cockerels to cope with. So in the buff enclosure we have five males and six females...not the best of ratios! ...drastic action is in order,
I have put advertisements up locally asked for homes but I think several of the new boys may have to be culled, which is a fact I do not relish at all Tomorrow I will separate four of the cockerels and will put them into the duck run, at least the hens will be "cock" free as it were.

I have chased up with some pre pig paperwork today (the amount of red tape before getting pigs is surprising) and have spoken to Rosemary tonight, who says she will bring them on Thursday morning. I will rename them.........their new names will reflect my liking for old fashioned names.......Nora and Gladys................


  1. I like the new names, I think they will fit better. Not even going to touch the too many... rooster subject! Too bad they don't come up with something that you could just rub on an egg and the chick would be a girl.

  2. Good names.Can't wait to see your pigs in their new home! How large are they anyway?

  3. Oh yeah, is that you with the radio active chicken? Funny picture.


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