Pig Tuesday----- Betsy and Daisy

I drove up to Whitford this morning to measure up the pigs......it may be a little tight, but I am sure that both will fit into the duck house, albeit somewhat snugly!
Both girls are full grown, food orientated and somewhat shy with strangers, but seem terribly cute and bright as buttons.
The family that presently own them will be moving to the states soon, and are genuinely upset at the prospect of them leaving....I have promised that the family's daughter can visit them anytime and have agreed to keep their original (and slightly saccharine) names!


  1. Next you will be getting a cow! Haha! Did you tell the owners about your blog? That way they can follow along with what happens even after they move.

  2. ...........if we had the space then yes I would love a cow!!!

    no, it's the last animal here for while

  3. Awwww. They are so cute. I've always liked pigs. Even those huge ones at the fairs. They just seem so smart.(Babe is one of my favorite movies.) Oh John---With all the irons you have in the fire, here's another suggestion for you. You should start an animal blog for your "crew"!!


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