"With great power comes great responsibility"

My best friend Mike loves the above, semi famous Spider-Man quote. ( I prefer Stella Stevens' "Just panties what else do I need?" from The Poseidon Adventure - but that's another story). Anyhow I was reminded of this quote (the power quote and not the panties one) when I was watching Barack Obama being sworn in as America's 44th President earlier today.
By the look of things Obama fever has gripped the world and I have been interested to see that millions are pinning their hope for a better future onto the shoulders of just one man.
How do you cope with this kind of expectation?
In the eyes of nations Barack Obama is now responsible for the individual and collective healing of so many ills it's frightening, and although he has grasped the nettle with a no nonsense dignity which is invigorating, I do worry that expectations may be just too high for him to deliver what people are hoping for.
During the Presidential inauguration this afternoon, you could literally taste a sense of hope in the air.
It was an amazing thing to be able to witness.

1 comment:

  1. Had to LOL at your quote. About our new POTUS: Already the lowering of expectations has begun by the USA liberal news media. Pres.O. will have a short honeymoon then the real work will begin. He wasn't my choice, but he is now our leader & I will keep him & his family in our prayers. I can't imagine why anyone would want to have such a thankless job, but thank God for those who do!


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