
Albert has left his cage for a brief hobble around the living room. His leg looks incredibly swollen and I tried to assess its neurological status but apart from feeling it was warm I couldn't get that near to it. He seems listless and uncomfortable so I may take him back to the vets for a check over tomorrow but he has eaten his chicken today and amid a huge show of excitement (how sad am I?) had had a large bowel motion!.......(you wouldn't believe that I actually used to run a busy spinal injury ward...would you?)

Maddie and George have spent the day in the allotment with me. Mind you they have become terrible thieves and the above pic is them scoffing two duck eggs they found somewhere in the grass. Miss Kinsale (one of the new hybrids is watching them both closely hopeful for a titbit or two)
I cleared another of the vegetable beds this afternoon....

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