some dogs you can train...

Both George and Maddie can now be safely left along side the hens. Every day they have mingled around the hybrids with only the occasional interested sniff and chase. Maddie being the older, more-stuck-in-her-ways terrier, has found it harder than the more playful George, but after two smacked bottoms (Maddie cannot cope with the smallest criticism from either Chris or myself), she has accepted that the birds are now "out of bounds"
Above is a photo of George and one of the black hookers
William and Meg will never be left unattended anywhere near a hen. The chicks in the shed are now getting more vocal, the more bored they are becoming with enclosed life. William cannot contain his excitement as they bicker and fight together, and will stand like this for an age, listening to the banter. Today he stood at the door for a good hour or so.


  1. I absolutely love your posts ... I may not always comment, but know that I do enjoy each one. I feel like I'm one of your hens! (was gonna say hookers, but I do believe that means something else over here! lol)

  2. Cute dogs, some dogs can never be trusted with chickens and others are just so good with chickens and even protect them.

    That hen looks a lot like my Lucy.

  3. Like William in your picture, Hootie will stand (like a statue)for long periods of time awaiting movement from, say, a wall.I often wonder if the little fellow hears a bug moving around that we can't see.


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