Pastures new

The white cockerel (Rogo's brother) has been finally picked up by a very nice lady called Paula from Bodfari who wanted a young buck to protect her four young black hens. Interestingly, her other main reason for wanting a cockerel was to stimulate and interest her son , who has severe autism, into animal care. She explained that the crowing of cockerel delighted her son and "involved" him importantly with something other than his own internal world.
I have promised Paula (whose friend works with autistic clients) that the next spare cockerel I have will be donated to The local training school for people with learning difficulties who potentially will react in a similar positive way to the roosters' call.
Anyhow as I caught the cockerel, Rogo (above with Belle) reacted quite spectacularly to his distress calls and launched a prolonged and rather painful attack on me. He slashed at my hands and arms with his claws and pulled my woolly hat off with his beak. If it was happening to a fox or dog I would have been rather touched by his show of protection!
I was showing off a little in front of Paula and her three children, so had to pretend it didn't hurt!! serve me right.

1 comment:

  1. Often animals seem to get through to children for some reason when adults cannot. Very kind idea to give a rooster.

    As for being under attack, my little guy started to do the same, I really have to watch my hands if I touch a hen..the little brat! XD


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