The Object of my Affection

The afternoon has been bright and warm, which has been lovely seeing that it had rained heavily all night.The view of the Church from the back garden has the feel of springtime, which has been a bonus as I have just spent a dirty couple of hours cleaning out drains and scrubbing the back patio free of dirt and leaves.
I got up early after Chris went to work, made a cup of tea and went back to bed as it was too dark to do anything outside. The dogs had clambered up onto the bed and were all fast asleep so in the peace and quiet I let Albert out of his cage for a walk around.
After a few minutes I heard him hopping slowly up the stairs and laboriously he climbed onto the bed to rub his face against the heads of each dog in turn thus reinforcing his pack bonds by scenting each animal.
I have always marvelled in the way that a simple pet can give you so much pleasure; watching a simple little cat make the effort to greet the dogs and I, almost brought me to tears and I had a sudden rush of affection for Albert and celebrated the "chutzpah" he has exhibited since his painful accident.
These sudden rushes of affection are the special moments you so often forget. They hit you out of the blue....William "smiling " when he is allowed to sit in the front seat of the car over the other dogs, Lilly the Buff hen sitting comfortably in you lap and Finlay kicking leaves into the air when on one of his autumn walks. In a similar vein, I do sometimes forget the pleasure of watching Chris enjoying a nice meal or the way he signs when he gets into a warm bed. It is those little moments that make things (like getting filthy when clearing out the drains!!) worthwhile!

The book The object of my affection has one of my favourite quotes, it goes as follows

"Often, what's most attractive about a person is that part they're trying hardest to conceal, that part they think is least likable. You find out about it and it becomes a secret bond between you, something you never talk about but hold close to your heart and are continually touched by"


  1. What a beautiful little capture of a moment. It made me realize even more why I love animals and why I give them so many human characteristics.

    Your dogs sound very gracious as well.

    How do they get along with your chickens?


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