
The wind was blustery and very very cold today at the beach,it was so cold that we only lasted 40 minutes on the freezing sand.The wind was gusting so hard that Meg looked like one of those dogs that you see on cartoon chases! She is a neurotic little dog and I must admit this is the first photo I have ever taken of her, when she looks remotely carefree!
Not much news to report today, Chris is working in Swansea so won't be home until late, so I am very much alone for the day.
Gary from the Trelogan duck pond called around to give my drakes the once over. He has taken the best looking male as a mate for his lone runner female and we have agreed to swap some fertilized duck eggs in the spring. It was nice to meet him properly as he seems as much as a poultry geek as I do!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Meg I think I love you! Pooches smooches from Hootie in Arizona


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