
True to form I am presently sitting at an Internet cafe at Heathrow's terminal five, way, way too early for my flight back to Manchester; I don't care a jot as I love the hustle and bustle of the airport and can spend hours people watching.
My trip down to London was wonderful, and as usual Nu made the effort worthwhile. The flight down was great and literally minutes after touchdown I was walking to her new house in West Ealing. Her and Jim's Victorian house is on Regina Road ( now nicknamed Vagina Road!!!- how school boy of me! ) and is absolutely lovely- a cracking find. We had a bit of champagne and lunch to celebrate her recent move, literally talked all afternoon and capped off the day by going to see The Nutcracker with the English National Ballet staged at the London Coliseum. After watching Mathew Bourne's camp as Christmas version of the ballet, it was refreshing to watch a more "traditional" was wonderful.
We stopped off at the highly pretentious St Martin's Lane hotel for a cocktail before going home; tired and almost all talked out.
I love visiting Nu, she has been a constant in my life for the past 20 years, always there, always supportive and always loving. I could never imagine the day when we cannot visit each other.
She is as necessary to me as breathing.

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