Keeping up with the Joneses

I must admit that I just do not subscribe to the modern notion of having an all seeing and all doing mobile phone. I just don't see the point of emailing and "blackberry" connections and the lark as to me a phone , is a phone , is a phone.!
My mobile was a welcomed gift ! yet is never employed with the intensity of my friends and colleagues usage .
It is always switched to silent mode, it is never on my person, and I cannot actually remember when I last rang someone on it. Ok I do find it useful in texting friends a long way from home, but as a be honest the little machine is , well pretty useless.
I am glad that my phone has a limited level of importance in my friend Geoff's work phone had over 70 missed calls on it when he was busy "on site" this afternoon, and I must admit that this constant necessity of being available would stress me much more than any intensive care patient would do.
Mobile phones limit essential space and time for people; they give the world an immediacy that in my opinion, borders on the abusive. Although I know that they provide safety and convenience for the masses, a tiny part of me mourns the demise of the public phone box, and the house phone situated in a cold hallway.

This afternoon the members of the Church council were ambling around the Graveyard, organising removal of the damaged trees (the ones that were felled by the summer gales). I left them to it and got on with tidying the allotment and then delivered some eggs and the rest of the village Christmas cards.
This evening I have wrapped the remaining Christmas gifts and will enjoy making a few "to do" lists later. William, Maddie and Albert are presently all asleep on my couch......
I am sat typing this on the floor.........

1 comment:

  1. im impressed you actually have a pic of my phone


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes