F*"king Mud

I am flying down to London tomorrow to see Nu!........Chris bought me the air ticket as a Christmas Pressie....so for two days I will feel just that little more sophisticated and certainly will be chicken poo and mud free!!!!
Today turned out to be a bummer of a day......which was entirely my own fault, I stocked up with bird feed this afternoon and drove onto the field to fill the shed which was a massive mistake as the ground was way too boggy for the belingo to cope with. Even though I was literally thirty feet from the gate, I was stuck fast in the mud, and no amount of positioning of wood and carpets under the wheels could free me. By four pm, I resembled a reveller from Glastonbury and by five I was nearly pulling my mud splattered hair out. Thank god for Geoff's 4 x 4 ! He dragged me out of the allotment in the dark. and his help was very much appreciated
I am not sure what Nu has planned for tomorrow, it will be lovely just to catch up with her news. I love my country life, but like a new mother ,....I will enjoy a break from being "mummy" to 84 albeit for just 48 hours

1 comment:

  1. and if you had poured the birdseed under your tires would that have given you traction enough to get free?

    though what an irony that would be.


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