
Poor Nige.....not only has he had to put up with a cottage full of animals, he has had to fit in a social visit around William's haircut (above) a sudden disaster with the Belingo's exhaust and a kitchen full of hatching bantam chicks.
We dropped William off at 9am, then drove to Llandudno to do some Chrimbo shopping.......the belingo sounded very much like a small, VERY noisy tank by the time we got there, so shopping had to wait for Mr Kwick fit to bung on a new exhaust for 300 soddin quid!!!!!!!

By the time we got back to pick William up, it was time to walk the dogs then have a small panic as the the new tiny hatching bantams needed transferring into their heat lamp cage in the shed........the temperature was far too low for them so the whole operation had to be moved into the kitchen. where Albert is now flexing his claws in the hopeful wish that the tiny chicks can be reached through the bars................
So far three tiny golden bantams have hatched .........just 14 to go.......Nige will be suffering from migraine by the time he is going home...his nerves will be shot to ribbons

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