
I got to thinking today of things I would miss if we ever left Trelawnyd. Apart from the physical "things" such as bricks and mortar and the scenery and views there would be one major thing that I would definitely miss, and strangely that is an audible thing.
The rather melancholy tolling of the Church bell on Sunday mornings can be heard from anywhere in the vicinity of the village. This morning we were all up the Gop when the bell started to ring its ever-so slightly Hollywood How Green Was My Valley peal. It is a constant that is ever so reassuring.
This afternoon we completed the Christmas shop, had tea in Forties in Llandudno, then came home to lock the hens all away at 4pm. Both turkeys now have to be carried to the house shed where they are safely put under lock and key to keep them away from thieving eyes.........Boris is now quite obese and lifting him is a feat in itself. A group of walkers found the spectacle of me walking up the lane with a fat turkey under my arm hilarious.
Off to bed for an hour now as I am on night shift tonight

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