............and then there was ten

Albert has been stalking the kitchen chicks since they were hatched last week, so it has only been a matter of time before he was successful in nabbing one of the little ones. This morning I was convinced that he was out in the garden, so when I refilled the birds' water bowls, he silently sneaked up onto the table and slipped unseen into the crate.
Before I knew what had happened, there was a loud startled "peep!" and Albert shot out of the kitchen with a tiny yellow chick firmly clamped in his mouth.
True to form every dog was up and hard on his heels, with me lumbering on behind, screaming like a banshee and bugger only knows what the neighbours must of thought as we raced together up the stairs and into the bedroom.
It was total bedlam.....Albert darted under the bed hopeful of some peace, but the dogs wanted what he had, and all four dived in scattering shoes,magazines,luggage and tons of fluff and dust all around the room.
It was Maddie that managed to corner Albert on the top of an old sports bag and I think there was a brief but deadly tug of war between dog and cat before I waded in slapping them both with a hastily snatched pillow.
The poor little chap that had been kidnapped was a buff chick and he was quite dead when I prised him out of an angry and spitting, Albert's mouth.......the dogs continued with their hysteria for a good hour afterwards......I went out and delivered the village Christmas cards to get away from it all.

The deformed but game Bunny surprised me this morning as I caught her in one of the hen houses actually laying her first egg. Compared with all the other survivors from the dog attack, Bunny looks typically like the runt she is. She is slight (only half the size of her sisters), is always last in the feeding queue and will often be seen leaning against the hen house wall or the electric fencing, so that her deformed leg can be properly rested..However I think that there is always something rather brave and spunky about her, and was strangely touched to see her sat proudly on a tiny brown egg in a neat little nest in a corner of the small A frame house. As weak and slight as she is, Bunny is the first of the young hens to produce which I think is rather sweet

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