
William looked so much better when I saw him this afternoon. He wagged his tail when he saw me in the vets and although he was still refusing to eat, they were happy to let him come home.
Since Finlay, I know I am rather sceptical of generalisations given to me by animal carers and medics, and I think that I conveyed this clearly when dealing with the over optimistic "nurse" yesterday, so today I received clear and balanced advice and guidance and I must admit I was happy at the change in William today.
I got him home this afternoon and it was interesting to note that the animal that gave him the biggest welcome was Albert! There was lots of nose rubbing and purring and as I write this Albert has joined William in a deep sleep on the old duvet next to the fire
I cooked a chicken and offered William some morsels on a plate. Initially he sniffed at the bits in a rather half hearted way but after Albert had bolted a drumstick sized piece, he got stuck in a wolfed down his first meal in four days.
For the first time since Wednesday, I can allow myself to relax a little........

My family is back normal.


  1. Hi John and Chris,
    Its wonderful to see William home. Its amazing what a bit of competition when food is involved to get an animal motivated. Well done Albert, Joan would be very happy to know she has been replaced with such a smashing little kitten.
    See you soon J & A xxx

  2. That's great news.


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