Real Winter ,Boris gets plucked and Chistmas Shopping

It was bloody cold this morning. The frost was thick on the ground and this year's hens seemed confused with the painful temperature of the grass beneath their feet and several of them retired to the warmth of the trees in the churchyard to remain more comfortable.
Gloria has given Boris a bit of a seeing to overnight and during his daily "stag display" it was clearly evident that she had ripped out the very centre feather in his fan tail. Bless he now resembles a toothy grin of an eight year old.....
William had his check up from the vets today and received the all clear. Mind you, it was sobering to hear that the vet didn't think he was going to pull through after his operation.
Chris and I went to a chilly Llandudno this afternoon to break the back of the Christmas shopping. We bought a few bits, had a lovely lunch at Osborne's and then shopped some more. I was driving, so drank coffee, Chris had two large wines and got very chatty on the way home!
With the shopping, cold weather and a slightly bald does feel like Christmas

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