Pratt fall

I was going to post this blog last week but forgot give the high dudgeon with the stable owner.
Chris is away for a few days in London, which is not a bad thing as he is having crabby withdrawals from a few sneaky fags last Friday!
Anyhow back to today's blog.
I think it was Thursday morning when I took Chris to the station at 7am. As he got out of the car, I gave him a kiss as usual, before driving off. As I did so, I noticed a business man-type walking up the high street. He was gazing at me with an open mouth and as he was not looking where he was going , he promptly walked into a flower planter......Now his obvious surprise at seeing two middle aged men giving each other a small peck, I thought quite amusing, and I gave him a beaming smile as he staggered to his feet..........Bless........ he had the good grace to smile back and to laugh at his pratt fall reaction to something that I forget, some people find all a bit shocking....hey ho

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