Old Laptop to the rescue

In Sheffield after a night shift, I could (and often did) stay in bed until lunchtime. Today I grabbed the quickest of 30 minutes nod off on the couch before the daily walk in the dirty brown/green countryside.
Up in the Gop woods I have noticed small reflective disc "eyes" set up on various spruce trees. Perhaps one of my blog readers could let me know the possible reason for this slightly bizarre occurrence......I have absolutely no idea why they are there.
The baby buffs are now out in their own run within the adult buff enclosure. Elizabeth and Shelley have now been accepted by the dominant cockerel Clover and his second in command the diffident Poppy. The other hens Sorrel,Lily and Violet have practically ignored the new adults but seem fascinated with the chicks. As I was lying in the grass taking the below photo, the three hens climbed slowly onto my bum and back to get a glimpse of what I was looking at.

They all sat like this for ages, if the weather was a little better I would have fallen asleep in the grass with the girls plonked contentedly with me

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