Fridge Therapy and LBC

Now perhaps the only person that will understand this first part of the "Fridge therapy" blog will be my twin sister Janet- today our new fridge was delivered (nothing too exciting in that you may think) but to me,( a border line obsessional compulsive with control issues) a new fridge means THERAPY! Firstly having a new piece of furniture is wonderful, whether it be antique or straight out of the shop The piece has to be sorted out, played around with and organised into it's place with much gusto and deliberation!....then of course the room in which it has been positioned has to have a makeover,clean and tweak. This ritual then moves to the rest of the house (thank god we have a cottage!) which has got to be tidied and cleaned to compliment the newness of the piece of furniture that had just arrived.
Yeap mad as cheese....but the whole ritual does give me a lot of satisfaction!
During my afternoon organising and cleaning I had the chance to listen to a particularly moving phone in session on LBC 97.3 . Stand in host Petrie Hosken facilitated a conversation about the physical and psychological abuse that can occur within relationships and did so with skill and maturity.
She emotionally disclosed that she had suffered some psychological abuse from a previous partner and I found her descriptions of the subtlety and manipulation that occurred over a long period of time fascinating and incredibly moving. It also pricked memories of my experiences of a previous relationship which was abusive in nature, but was one that I did not recognise as such until just before I ended it.
It was quite difficult remembering it

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