Duffy does Lulu with a touch of Dusty

There is no denying that Bangor born singer Duffy has a phenomenal voice. Tonight at Manchester's Apollo, she thundered her way through a succession of Northern soul inspired set pieces with a maturity that belies her 24 years, yet apart from a couple of cracking songs, the whole concert seemed rather ....well.............just a little dull.
Duffy sings with some gusto, but she is not really a stage performer who is able to engage and communicate with her audience. I must admit her two limp backing singers ( who looked liked two poorly made over drag queens) didn't really help her and the concert's overall look either.
Better choreography and a more spunky repartee would have made a good night into a great one.
Hazel and I didn't compalin too much as we both got the tickets for nothing....

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