Good service & obsession

One of the things I have in common with my friend Nige, is that I absolutely HATE bad service. In my mind there is no excuse for it whatsoever, yet time and time again in this country we money paying customers have to suffer rudeness,apathy and derision from a whole army of receptionists,salespeople and minor officials that are supposed to be there to make our lives easier and a little more pleasurable.
Mind you I had to eat my words today, as with trepidation, I rang our local doctors' surgery in a hopeful effort to secure an appointment before Christmas. In seconds the receptionist gave me a slot within 30 minutes of my phone call!! She was polite , cheerful and helpful (as was the other receptionist at the surgery) The doctor was attentive and thorough and the pharmacy staff couldn't be nicer...........It was, I must admit, all a bit of a shock.
The doc said I had a chest infection AND bronchitis, and told me to take a course of antibiotics, lots of fluids and rest INDOORS........Hey two out of three ain't bad.....this afternoon I have cut the flight feathers of most of the new hens and Gloria and have cleaned a couple of coops out a well as walked the dogs up the Gop......
It all has to be done.

Out of our four dogs, only Meg is totally obsessed with Albert. William is sporadically excited by his rather disgusting toilet habits, (and the very prolonged period of litter scratching) whereas George and Maddie couldn't be bothered at all by the little chap. Yes only Meg is desperate to get up close and personal. Several times she has actually made the mad scramble up onto the table,but happily she has been remained more interested rather than aggressive with a rather laid back Albert.

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