Cottage walls

I seldom do two night shifts back to back as it were, so I have to ensure that I sleep well during the day, To be honest it is a bit of a luxury as usually I grab an hour after a night's work before getting up again to sort out the animals, but as Chris assumes full responsibility for the dogs I then try and grab 7 hours before working again for another 13 on ITU.
I have slept for around 6 hours today, so feel unusually rested. The weather is blustery and cold, so after work I stocked up the feeders for the birds and filled the water butts before going to bed. I re filled them at midday and again at around 4.30, so Chris would not have to before climbing back into bed for half an hour.
Listening to the wind howl around the gable end of the cottage, is a luxury. there is no traffic noise, no passing pedestrian chatter, no slamming of doors or even the barking of dogs, just the wind muffled by 18 inch stone walls.So literally, you feel as though you have been transported far back in time. It's a far cry from the bustle of Wynyard Road.

Meg finds the separation from me when I am in bed, more troublesome than any of the other dogs. They have spent today watching Albert gain his confidence by creeping like a small shadow sporadically into the living room. Occasionally I can hear Chris yelling "Oh Albertttttttttttttttt" as he knocks over his catlitter tray yet again , so it's not all peace and quiet

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