Theatre,gallery,cinema, Rain

A day to myself in London,,,,,in the rain,,,,,,a rare treat even though I got absolutely soaked yesterday. I came into "town" early and went to the National Portrait Gallery for starters. Loved some of the new work by
Julian Opie see above, and had a good wander around the recent exhibits.Then I walked down to the South Bank for a blast around Tate Modern. The huge scale of the building literally takes your breath away, and I had coffee sitting in the near empty main display floors inside After wandering the length of Fleet Street and the Strand I Caught the tube back up to Oxford street and a bit of window shopping in John Lewis, before getting well and truly soaked in some of the most violent rain storms I have ever experienced. Needing to dry off, I treated myself (bloody 10 quid a ticket too!) to a movie in Leicester Square. There was not too much to choose from, so I had to be contented with Guy Ritchie's caper film RocknRolla (2008), which was ok rehash of all his previous films put together. Richie has produced nothing new in this latest film, but I did enjoy a gay comedy subtext between the very attractive Gerard Butler and his best friend (the equally attractive Tom Hardy--see below
Met Nuala at 5pm and we had another gossip over dinner before going to the theatre! We saw The female of the Species at the Vaudeville Theatre, which turned out to be a pithy comedy based loosely on the stalking of Germaine Greer by a crazy student some 8 years ago. Cranford star Eileen Atkins plays the Greer-ish character who so mercilessly nails the feminist writer's hilarious vanity,time and time again, she really looked as though she was having a good time. The theatre was half full which was a shame, the weather perhaps was keeping everyone but the die hards at home or in their hotels.

We are going to see Jim and Nuala's new house in Ealing this morning, then do a little shopping in the local farmer's market before I catch the Heathrow shuttle for terminal 5. It has been a full,wet and enjoyable couple of days

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