Here comes the sun..............

Even though I am working nights tonight, It has been too warm and sunny not to be out in the allotment. I have harvested tomatoes,runner beans,beetroot,sweetcorn,courgettes,green cabbages,baby parsnips,broad beans.and lavender and will make up some veg boxes to sell tonight at work. Chris pottered around making lavender bunches for the wardrobe.
Still no takers for any of the runners, so I have resorted to a home made sign in the garden. Boris (below) is getting a little stir crazy in his enclosure, but typically of the breed he remains outwardly calm and and somber.He is an amazing character. I spent a restful half hour lying next to him and the buffs, the warm sun.

We ate my tender sweetcorn for lunch and watched the awful The First Wives Club (1996) on tv. Strangely enough it was quite amusing at times and one funny scene where the botoxed to death and straight Goldie Hawn danced with a group of bull dog dykes in a large lesbian night club reminded me of my straight friend Jonney H, dancing alone in a gay pub in Sheffield in an effort to cheer me up at a very bad time.It was a funny wonderful memory.amazing what you remember isn't it?

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