....ahhhhh haaaaaa

I have never liked jewelry on men. In fact in the far and distant past I have actually refused a date with a guy who was a little heavy (and I mean just one ring) on the old bling.I never really understood just where this dislike came from until now,
Tonight when. I was in the bath, scrubbing away the dirt and chicken poo of the day, I found myself rubbing my face rather aggressively with soap, as I did so I suddenly remembered a faraway childhood memory.
Perhaps 35 years ago very occasionally my father would supervise the evening ritual of going to bed, he had a somewhat robust and old fashioned attitude to ablutions and not being satisfied with our somewhat perfunctory face wash, he would "give us a good scrub" as it were.
Tonight I remember clearly the way his wedding ring would scrape my face, and I suddenly recalled hating the feeling with a vengeance........and exactly at the same time I realised just why I dislike men's jewelry so much....
funny what you remember

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