As a group of the most butch looking workman shuffled past, I asked them if we were to loose our electricity supply for the day, and immediately received a rather defensive unanimous "YES". Chris made a run for his bike to get to work as he sensed that I was ready for a minor altercation as he knew we had the four new chicks under a 24 hour heat lamp in the shed. I explained that I had no knowledge of the power cut and we had the chicks welfare to worry about.Without heat, the day old chicks can chill and die very quickly.
There then followed a minor standoff, with one hairy-arsed workman stating loudly that he has pushed a leaflet detailing the proposed work through our letterbox last week and me stating that "obviously" I had not read it, as I must of thought it was "junk mail". We were getting no where until I had a stroke of genius. I opened up the shed and pulled out one of the tiny excelsior leghorn chicks, all black with sweet white spots,and thrust the little chap at the nearest workman
Immediately a score of men's men all sighed a collective "arrrrrrhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" and I knew something constructive was to be done
well, within two minuted they had collected a small portable generator and had set the thing up in the garden. The chicks had power, I was happy and they all felt that they had done the "right thing".and had saved four fluffy babies from certain death.
I left them all a load of free range eggs as a thank you.
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