Passport palaver

Chris was very sweet today and booked us a quick "relaxation" break in Sitges,which is one of our favourite places in Spain. Ann and Tim fell in love with a shabby chic family run hotel (The Santa Maria) on the Promenade years ago, and all the family have followed their lead and have visited it on and off over the past decade or so.
Sitges has escaped the usual British riff raff holiday makers, and caters for the affluent Spanish from nearby Barcelona as well as being a usually well behaved pink pounding European gay friendly resort.
Chris and I are far too "untrendy" to frequent the gay beach and bars, so we love to slob out in the hotel and on the hotel beach...( and do very little else) Bliss bliss bliss
My excitement of knowing we are going was tinged slightly by the fact that I have just realised that I have lost my soddin' passport. After 5 hours of frantic searching ( at least I did find my lost ---and very expensive-- body shop vitamin E moisture cream) we found no, in a panic I rang the passport help line and booked myself to sort out an emergency-in-a-week in Liverpool on Friday afternoon) The passport should come around the 7th of September and we fly on the fingers crossed eh?.we should make it.......mind you I will have to pay 97 quid for the will be worth it, as I absolutely have lovely memories of our holidays in Sitges( and a very funny story of Sorell fallin down a man hole...x)
pic, is the small Church overlooking the bay of Sitges

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