Duncan goes to pastures new
This morning retired poultry keeper Bill called to the field in the hopeful search for a cockerel. He has a large flock of birds at Golden Grove (the big house in Llanasa) but is lacking a testosterone charged male to increase his 60 bird flock. Betty, the farmer's wife I had approached the other day for bird advice, had pointed him in my direction, as she knew that Duncan's over amorous attentions had caused multiple sore bald" spots on the girls wings and backs.So we fixed a price and minutes later off Duncan went to pastures new, leaving a totally overwhelmed Stanley now in charge of the large number of concubines.Bill and I have provisionally arranged for his buffs to be covered by my Buff cockerel Clover, when he is "of age" and having another contact will in turn will be useful for me I guess. I have no reservations in loosing Duncan, as out of his his offspring in the A frame, I am sure there will be another cock ready to take over from the king.
My sweetcorn is looking particularly impressive. I have only planted 50 plants or so in one block, and although sturdy against the runner beans I think next year I will plant a larger block of 100 or so.
Broody Nolan, having a break from her chicks, but keeping a close eye on my as I was pottering this morning
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