Another mixed bag

I have picked the first of my garlic this morning and after a bit of fiddling have made a somewhat ropey looking garlic line. The kitchen which usually has the whiff of dog, now smells wonderfully of Italy.
Frank, from the Prestatyn horticultural society called in briefly to drop off some photos from the allotment open I must admit that the whole field has never looked better, even though it was the wettest day of the year

The eggs in the incubator (Stanley and the white hens are the parents) have started to pip in their shells. These will be the last chicks this year and the new females will be taking over egg production from the older poor laying hybrids.
Sad news today as Uncle Bert has been taken into Glan Clwyd Hospital after suffering a stroke. Things are looking rather bleak ( according to the family tom-toms) so what can you do? I called down and dropped in a card and some sweet peas from the allotment. A very small act of family solidarity.

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