Allotment open
From left to right Brother in law Tim,Sister Janet,Hazel,Mel and her mum,Polly (seated),Carole,Me,Chris, sister Ann,Arfon,Christine and Helen,Terry,Ann,John,Della and MandyToday I have been very touched by the kindness of people in general. Despite the torrential rain (which started exactly at 6pm, the second that the allotment opened!!!!!!!!) we had around seventy to eighty people turn up in drips and drabs to support our open evening. Through the drizzle and dead on time, I was very moved to see the old ladies of the village slowly weave their way down the lane towards the field in slow ambling support of the evening.I said to Ann that the whole scene could have been taken directly from the film Whisky Galore! (1949). Auntie Glad ( below) at ninety braved the wet with a "spirit that won the war" mentality, and those that couldn't make it like Sylvia from the flower Show and old Mrs Jones sent a huge variety of cakes to sell and dish out.
Carole and Geoff made a ton of cakes too (William stole one half of a lemon cake from Carole's dining room table earlier this afternoon) and Geoff came into his own with constructing a gazebo and a make shift tarpaulin shelter as the rain really belted down.
Most of the visitors seemed to enjoy the experience. I had written brief histories of each set of birds from each enclosure and had placed them up on the fencing for people to read, and Janet and Chris manfully dolled out copious cups of tea and cake the large set of slightly damp and steaming villagers,horticultural society members, friends and family.
We sold out of eggs very quickly, and the veg I had dug up this morning seemed very popular
Polly (Hazel's daughter- second from left) took an active interest in selling raffle tickets and Frank from the Prestatyn horticultural society (right) as usual took a variety of candid shot of the event. Brother in law Tim is holding up Geoff's make shift shelter (I love this picture as Frank looks incredibly youthful and full of mischief
Beryl from the Village, another friendly face
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