Gays love a crisis and poultry news

Hazel has been having a few problems recently so I picked her up at midday and took her to lunch at Osborne House It was nice to change my T shirt ( I have had this on since Monday!!!!!!!!!) and scrub my face.It was all very Sex and the city, her all stressed and having a crap time and me, all sympathy and funny quips. Obviously it was a nice treat for me too, as I had to cancel my trip to Sheffield due to lack of funds!!
Hopefully I will be going over on the 23rd or 24th on pay day, to meet up with Mike, Jane and Jonney H.
Sorry for the bad photo, but Clover looks as though he is definitely a HE. Can't be sure as I am not too hot at sexing fluffy bits by examining toilet parts!, but his comb and attitude seem bigger and more masculine in nature than the four other "girls"..You can't tell from the pic but the little chap seems much more robust and is almost covered by feathers.

Colleen Nolan has only 4 days to go before her chicks are due in the old rabbit hutch, and unlike Blanche who spent her confinement in a catatonic state, she has been steadfastly sat on her eggs but has also remained alert and eager to stuff her face twice a day. I have constructed a chicken run around her hutch and hopefully I will leave her and her chicks ( if she has any) to their own natural devices once they hatch.
Chris is back from Preston today, he will be knackered having another early start tomorrow, think we may go and see the merrily titled Love in the Time of Cholera (2007) at Theatre Clwyd

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