Prestatyn Flower Show plans

The Prestatyn Flower schedule is out and already the gloves are off as we the competitors vie for the best ideas and entries.I have taken a score of the programmes into the post office last week and already I am hearing that in the absence of our own show this year, many of the villagers are entering Ann's Show.
Auntie Gladys at ninety, walked down to us yesterday with a batch of her famous scones (she drops them off "in payment" for the few eggs I leave for her) I suggested that I enter her baking into the Prestatyn show and she was excited as a kipper at the prospect of giving it a go.
The weather has been dreadful today, and I got soaked to the skin with the dogs when up the gop this morning (it did help to clear a rather muzzy head). The Buff chicks, safe and warm in the shed, have grown dramatically and now at three weeks old have started sprouting well as exhibiting the proud stance of Buff Orphinton adults.
When these little chaps are robust enough, I will put them in the A frame ark with the duckling run attached, and will move them all into Stanley's enclosure soon.
I am working tonight, and already have received a couple of phone call orders for potatoes and cabbage from the allotment, it is a grotty job digging veg in the rain.

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