The last day of school

Have you ever had one of those days that felt as though you were back at school on the last day of term?
Well I experienced such a day today. Night shift last night and one hours sleep this morning, didn't give me much chance to get back into my routine, so the busy stream of visitors to the allotment (friends, customers and Horticultural society trip organisers) was a welcomed alternative to jobs that needed to be completed and gave me a chance to relax and chat in the sun.

Affable Scouser Geoff called round with a new "pool" for the teenage ducklings,(as usual it caused much hysteria and flapping of webbed feet) He and his wife have easy, laid back personalities and chatting about nothing in particular made me feel as though I was bunking off lessons in a guilty sort of way.
He will be coming down to the allotment from time to time to learn about hen husbandry, which should be great fun and good company for me (as well as a chance to be able to show off a little).
Frank Cook, the retired policeman from Prestatyn's horticultural society called around to organise the "open evening" visit to the allotment at the same time.He has already planned a visit to Janet's garden ( with the admission charges going to the Trelogan Animal centre were Jess was adopted from),so it was nice to continue the family "tradition" a little.
I like Frank, he has a twinkle in his eye and a spring in his step which is infectious He seems genuinely interested in the allotment and my efforts to develop it, so a visit by a set of more "professional" gardening experts will be so useful.
Last night I sold 12 quids worth of spuds and today sold a further 5£ to three of the older ladies of the village ( the gossip of my cheap spuds is obviously being circulated) so I have spent another hour or so chatting to them before filling the new retro purple pool in the duck run.
This morning I bumped into the vicar of Meliden when out walking the dogs and caught up with his retirement news as well as letting him know our Trelawnyd life. He is such a stereotypical vicar in the Miss Marple vein, gentle, precise who would not look out of place appearing in Mrs Miniver.I was quite touched that he remembers Chris and I so well. He promised to pop in for a cup of tea next time he is passing.
Have I got time for work? me thinks not.
Chris is away In Broadstairs tonight and is working in London in the morning, he will be sorry he missed the vicar.

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