Chester and a new poultry convert?

We took Nige over to Chester today so he could have a trip down the memory lane of his childhood visits. We had an amble over the 1924 footbridge,a rather damp ice cream on the river and a mooch around the shops.
By accident we fell upon a summer festival parade near the town hall, and was impressed by some of the European looking "pagan "puppets and symbols on show.

We got back around 5, just enough time to walk the dogs and sort out the hens and ducklings.Geoff the friendly chap from the other side of the village who had come to see the poultry runs with his family earlier in the week, called in and seems to have been bitten by the poultry keeping bug. He is hoping to make his own hen house soon so I have enjoyed showing off my extensive(!?) hen knowledge.It is nice to have another potential hen convert locally.

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