Circle of life

This morning the "Ebay eggs" in the incubator started piping away to themselves quite merrily and tonight there are tiny holes already appearing in three eggs as the second batch of ducklings start their struggle for life in the kitchen rather than under a friendly hen in the hen house.
I have left Chris on duckling watch for most of the day, as I have nipped over to Sheffield to attend Mike's mum's funeral at Grenoside Crematorium. (Right)
I didn't really know Mrs Kilner that well, but I felt it important that I showed my support to Mike and Bev. I know only too well how welcome a friendly face can be at a family funeral.Someone that you know is standing in your corner when things are ropey and a bit bleak. At my mother's funeral I will always remember a beaming Nuala, sending me telepathic messages of affection,support and nervous hysteria from her seat next to Chris. It helped me greatly even though I almost had an attack of the giggles every time I Iooked at her.
The minister that took the service had the thickest Sheffield accent I have ever heard. And the funeral tea (held at the crem itself) felt traditionally Yorkshire in nature, albeit a Yorkshire from the 1960s.I had a chance for a brief chat and a hug with Mike before driving home in the sunshine.
Walked the dogs,watered the crops and am just about to set up William's crate as a makeshift nursery for my hopeful ebay ducklings....
Birth and death eh???

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