
Another 8 hours on the allotment and can you believe it, I have sunburn.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Salad potatoes, radish,beetroot, more salad leaves and broad beans have been planted in the bottomn plot, and I have left enough room for a huge bed of sweetcorn (already sprouting on the windowsill of the bedroom),Pumpkin,marrow,and runner beans.
The more delicate French beans,sweet peas and peppers won't be planted out until June, already I am realising I have not got enough room for everything. Tomorrow I think I will start digging out my fifth vegetable bed.
George and Maddie have spent the day on the allotment with me. Maddie has spent most of her time in the shade of the water butts whereas George has spent a hot few hours stalking Duncan. (see above) The rooster has realized that 1) George cannot get through the wire to worry the flock and 2) he is smaller and slightly less brave than Duncan indeed is. So both have spent the day posturing at each other without actually doing anything.violent
I am worried too about Blanche who remains fixed on her nest in the big coop. Titbits have been ignored, corn is left untouched and I haven't seen her drink for a while dispute the water and food being inches from her head. I try to take her off the nest physically to encourage her to eat, but so far she walks as though she is in a stupor. Apparently this is common for some birds to do this, and some get so fixed on their eggs that they can literally die of self neglect....sounds bizarre I know
Chris got stuck in Bangor this evening due to a rail breakdown so I had to drive over to Llandudno to pick him up. We stopped at Osborns for an impromptu dinner, which was a nice treat

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