Stop Larking about......and lists.....

Up early this morning.......started hen jobs then sat down and made a list of "to do's" for the next three weeks.....
AS I AM OFF ON HOLIDAY! Great stuff...
Having said that I have a load of things planned:- so with my trusty cup of coffee on hand, here is my list.
Plant remainder of the potato crop
Set up the new incubator (Chris has bought me one for my birthday)
Set up the runner bean and sweat pea canes,
Plant the cornflower flower boarders,
(pot up) Sweetcorn,Runner beans,Butternut squash and pumpkins
Hoe the small plat and manure it,
plant Broad beans,
Set up new compost bins,
titty-vate the whole allotment so it looks neat and tidy,(to keep the neighbours happy)
Edge and weed all the plots,
plant out under cover my other salad crops,
Succession plant radish,leeks,,start my french beans,peas,and beetroot.
look for a small poly tunnel,
Then I can start on the garden, and all the boring home jobs such as window washing,patio cleaning,outhouse clearing and painting.....

It's not going to be all veg orientated as I have arranged to catch up with Kathryn in Dronfield ( and staying over so we can catch up properly) then off to Sheffield the next day for a spot of window shopping, lunch with some old work mates then off to All Bar One for wine and a chat with Mike and hopefully Jane. Chris is kindly working from home so I can spend two nights away from the farm.

Went to the Beach this morning with Jess ( Janet and Ned in tow too) great to have Ned (aka James 'Grizzly' Adams) along as he could point out the wildlife amongst the sand dunes.He pointed out a lark (ascending) high above the grass, and I never knew that it is the only bird to sing so long and strong "on the wing"

Chris is taking me out for lunch to Prestatyn's Bistro which is a treat.....

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