A poor show


I found the above link and the story it covered an interesting one for review this morning. The same tale ( with a very different, almost hysterical slant) was debated on LBC radio this morning also, and I must admit the whole thing brought back some poignant memories. The "teenager" in the story I knew very well indeed and I am glad that he has been awarded the sum outlined in the news report.My only reservation about the MOD "one off" compensation award, is that our own government fails to support its own servicemen when they are equally disabled when on active duty.
When a soldier for example looses all four limbs in a land mine attack or the like then a pre ordained limit is set on his compensation claim. I think from memory that the maximum award is around 250 thousand pounds..........yes pathetic given the level of injuries sustained.
I applaud the support given to this young boy after his dreadful and very public accident, I just wish there was some fairness with the financial help given to our own disabled service men and women when they get "dumped" back home in relative isolation..

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