Allotment day

For those that do not enjoy news of vegetables,poultry and general country news should look away now, as after a rather wet morning I have spent the day planting up red cabbage,kos lettuce,spinach,main crop potatoes,broad beans and the remaining herbs.
Rabbit proof netting covers everything, which is a bind, but at least it's all done.. I have moved Blanche and her eggs (I actually moved them all in situ) into the big hen house so the main flock have their sleeping quarter back.
It feels like spring today, as my parsnips,onions,shallots and early sown broad beans are all showing in the allotment, and the dark soil is tinting a subtle shade of green.
Blue bells are coming out on the gop (top pic) which add to the feeling of spring.
No "peeping" as yet from the duck eggs.....I have checked the temperature of the incubator with an independent thermometer........everything seems nerves are shot to pieces

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