I just don't do mornings

I don't do mornings well...I do them, we all do, but I am not happy until I have a period of silence, a good cup of coffee and time and space in which to wake up.
Chris knows this, after most of a decade, he bloody well should do, but time and time and time again he insists to challenge my early day blues!
This morning is a case in point. He gets up at 5.30am, smile on face,skip in step acting like a wimple wearing Connie Fisher from the Sound of Music. Cupboards are banged as clothes are searched for,drawers are dragged open and finally I managed to silently crawl back under the duvet and get back to sleep. Then we had a whisper in the ear to tell me that he had a nightmare overnight! a few minutes later we had another whisper to tell me that he had been shortlisted for some funding for a research study.............I managed to grumble a weak "leave me alone" before falling again back to sleep. Minutes later after Chris had dragged the dogs out for their early morning walk, I was woken again with the hysterical clatter of feet on the stairs, as Meg,William and George raced to get into bed with me. Meg is obsessed with getting as close as is humanly possible to me at every given moment, so groggy and getting ever-so-irritated,I woke again with a small hairy arse poking into my face. William not to be out done promptly sat on the top of us, whilst George proceeded to tap dance noisily on the hard boards of the bedroom floor, waiting to be lifted onto the bed.
7am! I gave up with any hope of dozing, so I got up to sort the cackling hens out before taking Chris to the station in Prestatyn (he was still chattering away about something as I drove away)
Now it is 9.30. First coffee is being downed, the house is silent and I can charge up for the day ahead. Bliss..........

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