Hen village grows

This afternoon Chris, Ned, Ned's Brother (also called Chris) and I went to collect the latest poultry house in my bird empire. For 30 quid, the large hen coop was a real bargain, the only problem with it, was the fact it was originally located half way up a hillside, across yards of scrub land and behind two barb wire fences.
The ever so practical Parry brothers were pretty good in dismantling the fences and between us all, we managed to drag the whole structure (like something out of the construction of Stonehenge.) to the waiting trailer and my field just as the snow started to fall..
Being unused for so long, the hen house is in remarkable nick, however it was rather dirty inside, with old poultry poo,a ton of spiders, a dead magpie and several large and small wasp nests to remove.
We went to B & Q and bought some wood preservatives and face masks and I got stuck in. The new house will house ( and I am not counting my birds BEFORE they hatch) my new runner ducks and hopefully a couple of geese.I "candled" the new ebay batch of runner duck eggs today and it looks like several are indeed fertile. The last "survivor" of my first batch is due to hatch tomorrow....if successful I am going to name the little blighter Ripley (after Sigourney Weaver's character in Aliens) quite apt I thought..

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