Average day

Chris is away in Broadstairs again to help Sorrel sort out her retirement, and is away for a week! So it is me, the dogs and the birds again. Been up since dawn this morning, as I have re positioned all the enclosures. Also after being fired up with Nigel's plans for a herb garden, I have dug a substantial square block (15 x 20 feet) in which to plant a selection of culinary herbs/ My shallots (right) are showing already, and (below) are my broad bean seedlings which are looking healthy and strong inside the cloches.

Meg looks the worst for wear this morning after a brief but hearty fight with Janet's Jess. I was to blame as I was playing with all the dogs and in their excitable state the two bitches became jealous of each other over my attentions. ( I have never had two females fight over me before!!!!!!!)
Usually dog fights remain a sort of Mexican standoff, with both animals performing but not actually hurting each other, and this altercation was no different until William ( excited and acting rather like the adolescent that he is) jumped onto the two girls and bit Jess on the smartly on the rump.
Galvanised into a rage ( and thinking that Meg had somehow done the biting) Jess relaunched her attack with gusto and it took a bit of hard work and some brute force separating the two of them. At one stage I was lifting Meg up by her harness and swinging her around in the air like a cheap fairground ride in order to separate them, with a victorious Jess in hot pursuit.
The whole thing settled down as quickly as it started , with Jess scratched but intact....Meg has two bloody bites one on her forehead (see pic ) and the other on her leg.....her first wounds in three years.......she has slept all afternoon!
Did all the other jobs this afternoon, such as house work and weeding the garden and have jusr spent an hour catching up with Nu on the phone, whcih was lovely. Early night tonight.....

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