You get what you pay for

Last night I went on another ward night out to a Chinese in Rhyl, and I can honestly say that It is a long time since I have been somewhere so bad. The service was......shall we say....somewhat eclectic (The waitress sorted out coffee by pointing at each of the diners saying sharply "do YOU want coffee???"), the food was synthetic and the decor was lack lustre to say the least (a non smoking sign was selotaped at the wrong angle to the wall behind my head) I can't believe that I or anyone else would put up with this slap dash approach
I found myself thinking, what the hell did I go for? The bill was 14£ a head, which is cheap by anyone's standards but I guess I am getting too old for bad services! Tonight Judy is treating us to a meal in Prestatyn's Bistro, which is light years away from anything Rhyl could provide...message to more nights out in Rhyl.
Today I have set up Nell, Maude, Walter and Harold in their own pen(pic) and have hoed the vegetable plots ready for planting next week! Chris is enjoying time away from Pippa, and has gone to relax and shop!

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