Sad day

The day is wet and cold and the village looks and feels rather sad. There is a funeral at the church, so the Church bell ringing on and on adds to the gloom of the day.

I went to the post office to post Maisie's birthday pressie and chatted to a group of old ladies about the funeral and about the work on the memorial hall (pic). It looks like the building won't be ready for the flower show and the gossip is that the cost of holding the show at the school may be just too much to be viable.We need another meeting to thrash out these financial problems and I suspect my lone voice in support of the show whatever the cost will be overuled.
Another sad thing happened today, and that is Janet has decieded to return lercher Ruby to the dog kennels. It has been a difficult decision but a correct one as she is just too big and difficult with other dogs and Janet's cat.
In some ways Ruby has been trained extremely well ! she walks to heel, she sits and stays on command, but her innate hunter instinct just cannot be tamed and I think a smaller terrier type dog would suit her lifestyle so much better. I took Janet and Ruby back to the kennels then did the weeks shop and other jobs before getting ready for night shift.Going to have a look at the chicken coop in the garden of a house up the gop tomorrow! The owner rang me yesterday saying she wants rid...I was a bit miffed as I have just bought a new house for Stanley which should be delivered this week....another "spare" house may be useful through.
Turned on the incubator this afternoon...

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