A different way of seeing

Intensive care appeals to a certain "type" of nurse I always think. It is a "quick fix" type of thing in the most positive sense of the word as problem solving often has immediate results and adrenalin is often pumping. I have said before It has its attractions, yes it does, but it is definately NOT my cup of tea.
Every time I go on duty at the moment I ask and always get to look after the spinal injury patient on the ward. I know he and his family want and need my specialised input, that is a fact, plain and simple! I can answer the questions they have, I can support their particular needs and I have a rehab "mentality" that the acute nurses sometimes do not have, or indeed really want to have.
Last night my patient couldn't sleep; that in itself is common before mobilization can take place and instead of sedation I tried a face and head massage. I turned his bed to face the window ( and a very black sky) and helped him "turn his back" on the manic "back and forth " of the unit. The massage was effective in the main and got the night staff talking and thinking about a different appraoch to getting a job done, as well as exploring how it is easy for ITU nurses especially and nurses in general to hide from those "deeper" and sometimes more meaningful (and painful) conversations that need to be explored with patients.
Looking back on how we as senior staff supported the psychological support skills of nursing staff on the spinal wards, I felt just a bit smug that we did a fairly good job. It helped that the consultant has his most individual way of looking at things on a psychological level, but he led the view that serious exploration of the relevant issues were vital and listened to psychology and social work support and points of view.as I hoped we as senior staff did with the nuring teams.
Last night, it was nice to think that I was being listened to, and night shift gave us all to have time to reflect and to discuss just a little

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