
Torrential rain and gale force winds make the countryside brown and grey.The new wind turbine at the house at the edge of the village, can almost be heard from our cottage, it is whirring that loud. The turbine is impressive! and I would love to have something like it (albeit slightly smaller) in our field. The wind was so strong today, that I feared the whole thing would actually take off.
So today is another write off . The ground is too heavy to turn over and too wet and waterlogged to plant the rest of the shallots so I have spent the day completing plans for planting (yes more lists!)and pricing polytunnels on the internet. and picking out fruit bushes that could be planted in the upper field by the churchyard.
The things I want to get this year include
  • a medium polytunnel
  • another electric enclosure for the ducks and older hens (non egg layers)
  • another 12 volt battery and transformer
  • An incubator and heat lamps for the ducklings and chicks
  • A small duckling/pullet house

Humm, perhaps a little overtime is in order

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