partisan hens and the weather draws in.....

No, not a photo of a dead hen, but a supposed action shot of Stanley post peck fight with Duncan.
I have been clearing the vegetable patches all morning, so I had a great chance to watch the new expanded flocks behaviour.
Duncan is definitely "cock-of-the-walk", he spends most of his time near the chicken coops surrounded by the majority of the females, who have turned themselves into rather bubble-headed groupies!
There is much billing and cooing amid the girls, but not all of the hens have followed suit. A few of the non conformists have sided with a rather gauche Stanley, and he and his little entourage (Whoopie Goldberg, Beatrice and a couple of the hookers) spend their time on the upper area of the run.
For the most part the two males are perfectly happy with each other, but just occasionally, especially when Stanley decieded he would like to increase his meagre girly group by catching the eye of the likes of a passing Robina or Glen Close, Duncan would then charge over and try to beat the crap out of him. These challenges are brief and showy, and if the girls could collectively sigh "ooohhhhhhh and arhhhhhh!" as they look on with admiration I am sure they would have done.
The weather turned this afternoon and the heavens opened big style. Leaving the allotment, I have cleaned out cupboards and drawers and the space under the stairs as well as cleared the refuse tip that is located under our bed!
Not the most interesting blog ( eh Carol?) but they can't always be interesting

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